Learning Techology for the 21 Century

Learning Techology for the 21 Century

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tool 11

Good Digital Citizenship- I would explain to my students that being on the Internet is a privilege that should not be abused. I would compare it to a trip to the Children's Museum. When you go into a the museum you see all these beautiful things that you want to touch and run into but you need to follow the rules of the adult in charge or teacher. In the digital world it's the same. You need to stay in the area that your assign to and not go into other areas that were permitted to go into. If you decide to not follow the rules you lose the privilege. When your in the children's museum your assign a time to explore and then the teacher calls you back to visit another area of the museum. At the same time warns you not to run off to an area where your class is not. When your in the Internet you need to explore and follow along with what the teacher is teaching at that time. Then I would explain to my students that when their in a museum we treat people with respect and kindness. Therefore we do the same on the Internet and not abuse the privilege because we can not be seen. We do not post mean comments to others and hurt others feelings if not their will be consequences.
Then I would let them that just like in a public place we do not talk to strangers we follow the same rules online. We do not give are real name, phone number, and address. We do not post mean or ugly pictures of other people just like we wouldn't destroy the children's museum with litter and graffiti.

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